Codingame puzzle walkthough: Equivalent Resistance, Circuit Building

My implementation for the codingame puzzle: Equivalent Resistance, Circuit Building in golang

September 2024

Find the puzzle on Codingame: Puzzle link.


Calculate the equivalent resistance of a circuit containing only resistors.

Resistors in series will be noted with parentheses ( R_1 R_2 R_3 … and so on ).

The resistance of a series arrangement is: R_eq = R_1 + R_2 + R_3 + … and so on, where R_eq is the equivalent resistance of the series arrangement.

Resistors in parallel will be noted with brackets [ R_1 R_2 R_3 … and so on ].

The resistance of resistors in parallel is R_eq = 1/(1/R_1 + 1/R_2 + 1/R_3 + 1/… and so on).

A branch can be treated as a single resistor by determining its equivalent resistance.


N = 3 A 24 B 8 C 48 [ ( A B ) [ C A ] ]

This will look something like this:

   |         |
+--+         +--+
|  |         |  |
|  +---[A]---+  |
|               |
|               |

[ ( A B ) [ C A ] ] => [ 24+8 1/(1/48+1/24) ] => [ 32 16 ] => 1/(1/32+1/16) => 32/3 => 10.666… => 10.7


The first step is to parse the input string and translate it into a more fitting datastructure, I picked a tree-like structure. the createNode function is called each time you find an open and close symbol (() or []). It then creates a Node, removes the borders and check what’s inside.

If it’s a Resistance add a node with a Res value, to the current node. If it’s another set of symbol, call createNode instead.

type Node struct {
	Series   bool
	Values []Node
	Res    string

// [...]
	circuit := scanner.Text()
	tree := createNode(circuit)
// [...]

func createNode(circuit string) Node {
	node := Node{Series: string(circuit[0]) == "("}
	circuit = circuit[1 : len(circuit)-1]
	firstOpening := -1
	count := 0
	tokens := strings.Split(strings.Trim(circuit, " "), " ")
	for i, char := range tokens {
		if char == "(" || char == "[" {
			if firstOpening == -1 {
				firstOpening = i
		} else if char == ")" || char == "]" {
			if count == 0 {
				newNode := createNode(strings.Join(tokens[firstOpening : i+1], " "))
				node.Values = append(node.Values, newNode)
				firstOpening = -1

		if count == 0 {
			node.Values = append(node.Values, Node{Res: char})

	return node

I end up with a tree where each node tells us if the resistances are in series or in parallel, and with an array of all child nodes OR a resistance name.

Calculate the output

Once the tree is done, I can call the second recursive function tree.Output(res). This function start at the root, and then iterate through all the child nodes.

For each of these childs, if it’s a resistance it takes its value, if not it calls Output on the child.

Then uses the values detected to make the correct calculation depending on if the Resistance is in Series or in parallel.

// fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%.1f", tree.Output(res)))
func (node Node) Output(res map[string]float64) float64 {
	sum := 0.0
	for _, child := range node.Values {
		val := 0.0
		if child.Res != "" {
			val = res[child.Res]
		} else {
			val = child.Output(res)

		if node.Series {
			sum += val
		} else {
			sum += 1 / val


	if node.Series {
		return sum
	} else {
		return 1 / (sum)

Complete solution

If you have any questions or suggestions, send me a message at or a DM on Twitter/X

package main

import (

type Node struct {
	Series   bool
	Values []Node
	Res    string

func main() {
	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
	scanner.Buffer(make([]byte, 1000000), 1000000)

	var N int
	fmt.Sscan(scanner.Text(), &N)

	res := make(map[string]float64)

	for i := 0; i < N; i++ {
		var name string
		var R int
		fmt.Sscan(scanner.Text(), &name, &R)
		res[name] = float64(R)

	circuit := scanner.Text()

	tree := createNode(circuit)
	fmt.Println(fmt.Sprintf("%.1f", tree.Output(res)))

func (node Node) Output(res map[string]float64) float64 {
	sum := 0.0
	for _, child := range node.Values {
		val := 0.0
		if child.Res != "" {
			val = res[child.Res]
		} else {
			val = child.Output(res)

		if node.Series {
			sum += val
		} else {
			sum += 1 / val


	if node.Series {
		return sum
	} else {
		return 1 / (sum)

func createNode(circuit string) Node {
	node := Node{Series: string(circuit[0]) == "("}
	circuit = circuit[1 : len(circuit)-1]
	firstOpening := -1
	count := 0
	tokens := strings.Split(strings.Trim(circuit, " "), " ")
	for i, char := range tokens {
		if char == "(" || char == "[" {
			if firstOpening == -1 {
				firstOpening = i
		} else if char == ")" || char == "]" {
			if count == 0 {
				newNode := createNode(strings.Join(tokens[firstOpening : i+1], " "))
				node.Values = append(node.Values, newNode)
				firstOpening = -1

		if count == 0 {
			node.Values = append(node.Values, Node{Res: char})

	return node
