Putting bounties on my goals

Sending 30€ to my friend if I didn't post on my blog this month.

February 2025

Writing this is saving me 30 bucks.

Last week I read these two blog posts: Why blog if nobody reads it and Why your blog post didn’t go viral and really liked this quote from the second one:

“If you post once a month, every post feels like a bet. It has to work. If you post every day, you stop caring so much. Some will land. Some won’t.”

I then realized that my last post on this blog was more than 3 months ago and I kicked myself a little.

I then took a page out of the levelsio book, and publicly tweeted that I would send 30€ to a friend of mine if I didn’t have a blog post online by the end of the month.

As I’m writing these words, we’re the 28th of february and there is no leap day to buy me an extra 24 hours.

But I’d hate to be out 30 bucks. I’d hate it so much that I basically wrote half a page already.

I’ve read somewhere else, can’t remember the source that people usually overestimate what they can accomplish in a day but underestimate what they can accomplish in a month.

I think I’m going to keep using that strategy to get shit done.

No more excuses, let’s commit the fuck up.

Every week, at least one blog post or I send 30 bucks to someone. At the end of the year this should be at least 52 new posts. (I’ll publish more to compensate for january and february).

Every month, 5 painted miniatures or I send 30 bucks to someone. This’ll be 60 painted miniatures at the end of the year, this is huge! (Well, actually I have around 1k unpainted minis, so maybe not huge, but this is progress!)

Some posts will land. Some won’t. But they will be written. Some minis will be great. Some won’t. But they will painted.

And I won’t be out 30 bucks.

If this system works, I will set other arbitrary deadlines for some of my projects. Forcing me to make some meaningful progress or suffer by sending cash away (how will I buy more miniatures if I have to keep giving money away ?!)

I will report back with the results, and I will post about it on my socials as well.

I think I can now say that this post is now complete and with one hour to spare. I just saved 30€. And I guess I have to say, see you next week for another post ? (my bank account depends on it)
